My first time bringing rubber on a trip: What it was like

June 10, 2024

I took a few articles of latex/rubber clothing on a trip for the first time ever in early 2024. I’d only ever worn rubber in the safety of my own space, but I decided to take some on a work trip, knowing I’d have a lot of free time.

Here’s what my experience was like and what I learned from it.

My experience

In March, I went on a work trip for a few days. Seeing as I’d have free time in the evenings of the first two days, I knew I wanted to bring some rubber with me.

At first, I was stressed about the idea. Could you take rubber through airport security? Would I get stopped? How would I clean it and care for it properly at the hotel? Would I have enough space in my quart-sized bag to bring some Vivishine and Vividress? I had more questions than answers.

Obviously, I know you can take rubber through TSA. It isn’t illegal. And people travel to rubber events all the time. So, I headed to FetLife to see if anyone had experience taking it through the airport. I was reassured seeing that most people had never had an issue with it, as long as you don’t take a gas mask or something that could make TSA question what you’re up to.

So, I decided to take my rubber surf suit, a one-piece suit that’s essentially a tank top and shorts. I also took some gloves.

I packed my rubber at the bottom of my carry-on suitcase, knowing the rubber would appear transparent on the X-ray machines. That way, it wouldn’t be too dense on top. I also filled a tiny spray bottle with Vivishine so it would fit in my quart-size bag along with everything else I was taking since I wasn’t checking any luggage.

I was a bit nervous about it at the airport because only a month earlier, my bag got flagged, and TSA had to search through it for some reason. Thankfully, there were no issues, and I was soon on my way. When I landed and got to the hotel, I immediately had a work function, so I just left everything in my room while I had some fun at dinner and getting drinks with co-workers.

That night, it was time to rubber up. 

One of my photos from my March trip. Copyright LatexRocker/Rubberium 2024.

Getting dressed was easy enough, as the surf suit from the Kink On just glides on with some Vivishine. I took some photos and videos with my iPhone, which I shared on Instagram. After sitting up for a bit, reading, and just enjoying the warm embrace of the tight rubber, I slid into the white sheets for some sleep.

This is where the biggest problem with bringing rubber came into play. I don’t sleep well when I’m not home. The combination of being somewhere else, hearing noisy AC units and other people, and thinking about the upcoming work events was enough to keep me awake for much of the night. Coupling those worries with the warm rubber, making me sweat, and sticking to the sheet as it generated static electricity made it a very restless night.

I did get some sleep, but it was miserable. Rubber always makes sleep tough, but when trying it at home I usually get enough sleep for it to be worth the effort. In this case, bringing rubber was probably a poor decision. 

The next morning, I gave the rubber a good rinse in the shower. I didn’t bring anything to clean it, as it was a short trip and I’d be returning home the following evening. Since it was only sweat and Vivishine, I figured a nice long rinse would be good enough until I got home. I left it hanging to dry, since I had the morning free and I’d be in the room in case housekeeping came by. Once it dried enough, I folded it up in my suitcase and out of sight.


My big takeaway from this experience was that while it was fun and exhilarating to take rubber with me on a work trip, it probably wasn’t wise knowing how poorly I sleep at hotels most of the time. Had I been able to wear it during the day, it would have been perfect. But, since my only opportunity was at night, it wasn’t as fun as expected.

I guess the only solution to this is to either learn how to sleep better when away from home, or to eventually take some rubber on a trip to a kink event, where I can properly wear it without worry during hours when I’m awake.

I hope you found this short post interesting. I want to be able to share more snippets of my life and experiences like this on the blog.

Latex Rocker

I'm LatexRocker, a 27-year-old man who loves latex and rubber clothing, creating, and rock and roll. Founder of Rubberium.

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