On May 20, 2021, my first ever pieces of rubber clothing arrived from Regulation. It was a moment I had dreamed of for years.
Ever since I was in junior high and high school, I had become aware of my interest and attraction to latex and rubber clothing. I loved how it looked on those who wore it. I loved the sounds. I loved the way to molded perfectly to the skin beneath. From seeing photos on social media and videos on YouTube, I knew that owning rubber clothing had to happen one day.
I always thought that I’d have to wait a few years, until I was living on my own, where no one would be able to stumble on my collection or ask questions. I never thought that I’d have the opportunity in 2021.
And sure, I still don’t have a catsuit. That would just be too difficult to hide. But, I was happy to be able to purchase a long sleeve rubber shirt, and a rubber tank top to start.
I made the purchase discretely, using cash to buy a gift card, and then adding that gift card to an online service so that I could use it for a business overseas. I had it shipped to my off-site mailbox. All of this to avoid questions from those who aren’t aware of my kinks.
The shipment arrived much faster than I anticipated, only a few days after I made the purchase online in a spur-of-the-moment rush. (When I checked out, I could hardly believe what I had done.)
When I got home, I couldn’t wait to open the package. Alas, it had to wait. When I finally had a moment later that evening, I ripped the package open and retrieve the two rubber items, plus a bottle of Vivishine.
My first impressions weren’t as magical as I had always believed they would be. Rubber clothing was something I had always wanted, and I just felt that the moment I finally got my hands on them would be life changing. Instead, I unfolded the items, which were coated in a thick dust (likely a mixture of talc and factory dust), and set them on the bathroom countertop.
They looked small, almost too small for me, despite the measurements on the website being very close to what I actually needed. My initial excitement turned immediately to panic. What if they didn’t fit? Would I be able to return them?
I stared down at the rubber. I had no idea what I was doing.
I took a deep breath, and calmed myself. It would probably fit just fine. I was getting carried away. The first step to any new clothing purchase is to try it on.
So, after some difficulty, I removed the dust from the long sleeve rubber shirt and slid it over my head. I struggled to get my arms into the sleeves, trying to slide the rubber over my skin. There was resistance, but I finally got them through. Now all I had to do was pull the rest of the rubber down over my torso. Easy, right?
Wrong. The rubber had folded tightly around my chest, and tugging at the rubber proved futile. I slowly worked my hands at where the rubber was folded, gently loosing it around my chest, and then my back. I was able to pull some of the material down, but I had to work at it again and again to get more. Finally, it was on.
The shirt was shorter than I had expected, barely reaching my hips, and it felt TIGHT. It clung to my arms and shoulders, and wrapped tightly around my neck. I tried to smooth it out evenly, and air bubbles popped along my back up to the neckline. The sensation felt strange, but enjoyable.
I wish I could keep wearing the shirt forever, but I had to take it off almost as soon as I got it on. I had another item to try, and I wasn’t home alone.
I began to take the shirt off, until I realized that I couldn’t. The rubber was stuck to me, and also sweat had started to build, there was no way to slide the rubber off easily.
Now, most people are faced with a dilemma: use some sort of aid to get out, or risk ripping the rubber. I, stupidly, continued to try and remove it. I succeeded, but the outcome could have been very different.
I set the shirt aside, and picked up the rubber tank top, black with bright yellow trim. I gently washed it with water, and then applied Vivishine, already having learned my lesson from minutes before. While I still encountered some resistance getting the tank top on (it had also rolled up once I got my arms through), it was much easier than the shirt, and it felt AMAZING.
I ran my hands along my rubbered torso, noticing the strange half-second delay between my touch and my reaction to how cold my hands were.
I quickly took a few photos for Instagram, and then had the urge to pull on a pair of latex gloves. I slide the latex over the rubber surface briefly, and then snapped another photo.
Now, it was time to remove the tank top, which went much easier than the shirt. I wiped it down, and shined it up so that it wouldn’t stick together while they hung in my closet, awaiting the next time that I put them on.
Thanks for checking out this blog post. There’s a lot more on the way, including my experience sleeping with the rubber shirt on.
Until then, you can follow me on my socials, @ LatexRocker.