What is a latex fetish?

A latex fetish may sound odd if you’ve only recently heard of it. However, rubber and latex fetishes are becoming more common than you might think. Kinks and fetishes may still feel taboo, but millions of people have one.

This guide aims to explain what a latex fetish is, why rubberists are drawn to the material, and how you can start exploring the world of latex and rubber.

What is latex?

Let’s make sure we’re covering the very basics here by starting with the material itself: latex. Latex, also known as natural latex rubber, is a natural material created from the sap of the Hevea brasiliensis tree (rubber tree). Latex is used in many everyday household items and industrial supplies, such as gloves, condoms, car tires, and more. Manufacturers and artisans also use it to create rubber clothing thanks to its elasticity, durability, and ability to be shined.

What is a latex fetish?

A latex or rubber fetish is the sexual attraction to rubber, especially rubber clothing, and/or those clothed in latex and rubber. A fetish has to do with something that’s typically nonsexual. But, that’s an oversimplification, to be sure. Latex fetishism is more nuanced. 

For example, many rubber fetishists love rubber in all forms, including wearing it and seeing others wear it. Some only enjoy rubber when they personally wear it, and others only like it worn by other people. Some need latex or rubber for sex to happen, whereas for others, it’s desired, but not required.

It’s no different than those who might have a foot fetish or an interest in something else, like leather.

A common misconception about latex fetishism is that those into latex must also be into bondage, S&M relationships, leather, or other kinks. This isn’t always the case. There are many, myself included, who are into latex but not other, similar fetishes or kinks. However, many kinksters have multiple fetishes or kinks.

There are also those who enjoy latex and rubber as a kink, but not a fetish. A kink is less intense than a fetish. To really simplify it, a kink is any type of sex or sexual interest that’s outside of what most people would consider “vanilla.” So, a fetish is really a specific type of kink.

Why do people like latex?

So, now that I’ve explained what a latex fetish is in the most basic sense, why do people like it?

There isn’t much scientific research into latex fetishism, as fetishes, known under the term paraphilia, were considered a mental illness for many decades, though that has now changed. As far as we know, there’s no singular reason why someone has a fetish for latex. You could ask 10 rubberists and get different answers as to why they think they like it.

There are many reasons why people are attracted to latex and rubber. Many people with a rubber fetish enjoy the material due to the look, smell, sensation, or the idea of a second skin. For many, it can be a transformative experience.

Here are some of the most popular reasons why people enjoy wearing or seeing others in latex. I’ve enlisted the help of some friends and connections in the rubber community on Instagram to ensure I’ve mentioned a variety of reasons.


Well-fitted latex clings to the body and conforms to its shape, making it really feel like a tight second skin. It’s like a big hug. It’s sleek and slippery when using polish or lube, which introduces a whole new sensation.

Latex also amplifies every feeling and sensation you experience. The touch of someone else. Hot and cold objects. Pressure. It’s all way stronger.

“The pleasure of its shiny new full body support [is] like a good hug from a best friend,” TheJrod24 told Rubberium.


Latex is often very shiny when polished. The way it reflects the light and at other times, with dark latex, seems to swallow it, is quite interesting and pleasing. 

Because it conforms to the body, it’s almost like being completely naked and exposed without actually being so. 

The way latex looks is enough to draw many people to it. It covers all imperfections and blemishes. It can also give the wearer complete anonymity, which can add to the appeal.

Others love the sleekness of latex or the futuristic vibes it gives off.


Latex has a signature squeak and rustle when it moves.

Total enclosure/separation

Another reason some enjoy latex and rubber is for the total enclosure/separation aspect. Because rubber is airtight and waterproof (unless it wears down and gets holes) you’re completely separated and enclosed from the outside world. All that surrounds you is rubber. This can be quite the turn-on for many.


For others, full enclosure latex is like donning a new identity and mindset, freeing them to be who they want to be. For some, it’s the chance to be their true selves, or someone entirely different.

“I personally like it because of the transformation aspect it brings,” Glovedmaster26 told Rubberium. “I’m very much into dronification and the contrast between the ‘normal’ and the ‘bizarre.’”

The idea behind dronification for many is coating the body in full latex, which effectively removes or hides their identity. Some also involve hypnosis or other kinks, generally with the result that the person becomes essentially a rubber object or a reprogrammed drone, a part of a larger hive or machine. For others, it’s just about the look and the anonymity. I’m not as familiar with dronification, so I apologize for the simple, and perhaps incomplete, explanation.

“Combined with dronification and objectification, the brainfuck is just so hot when looking into the mirror and just seeing no skin but a faceless drone or gimp,” Lou2_922 told Rubberium.


For many, latex can provide a sense of empowerment. Many associate their latex fetishism with superheroes or the like and remark that it makes them feel stronger. This could be because of the youthful and perfect smoothness of the rubber, or because it offers protection. 

For myself, wearing latex clothing brings me so much confidence that I lack without. I just look better and feel better when wearing rubber, and it shows with in photos. I’m not alone in this feeling.

“I love rubber for countless reasons: it’s tightness, it’s sleekness, it’s shine,” Dalton.Noir told Rubberium. “Even the smell and dare I say taste are hypnotic. But most of all, I love rubber as when I wear it, I feel confident in my appearance and in those instances wearing it, I think, ‘I don’t look half bad!’”

Ability to pair it with other kinks and styles

You can also easily pair latex with other materials and kinks, allowing you to combine your interests.

“I also love how you can combine it with nearly everything and it still looks amazing,” Lou2_922 said. “Mx? Add a rubber suit under the protector. Sportswear? Booooy short clothes + rubber almost let it look like its casual wear and just some shiny sport tights.”

How does latex fetishism start?

Most studies and scientific research have shown that fetishes start in childhood or early adolescence, though anyone can develop them later. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5 mentions that fetishes generally emerge at the start of puberty. 

Verywell notes that fetishes are believed to be more common in men, but there isn’t much research in the area.

For me, it started at a young age with an interest in gloves. I eventually discovered latex clothing on YouTube, and my interest continued to grow from there.

Is having a latex fetish bad?

Having a latex/rubber fetish is only bad if you believe it is for yourself or it causes you stress or harm. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5 includes fetishism but makes a distinction between a fetish and a fetish disorder.

The DSM-5 uses the following criteria to determine if a fetish has become a fetish disorder. I’ve paraphrased these:

  1. You must have experienced sexual urges to an object or non-genital body part within the last six months
  2. These urges or fantasies caused you distress or impaired you in some way to where you can’t live your daily life
  3. The object can’t be for cross-dressing or a device like a vibrator

If you’re able to enjoy latex and still live your life you likely don’t have anything to worry about. If it feels out of control, however, you may want to contact a licensed professional for help.

How to try out latex

If you’re interested in latex or think you might have a latex fetish, it’s relatively easy to get started and try it out. You don’t have to go out and buy a latex catsuit to start. Start small, with a pair of fitted gloves or maybe a pair of latex shorts or underwear. This is a much cheaper and easier path to seeing if latex works for you. From there, you can continue to build up to larger, more expensive items.

I started with just disposable gloves, building a latex glove collection until I was able to purchase a rubber shirt and leggings. Now, three years after my first latex shirt, I have a variety of items, from hoods to catsuits.

If you’re looking to incorporate latex into your life or sex life, make sure to talk about it with your partner. Fetishes and kinks can be challenging to introduce, and your partner may not share your same interests. You need to be prepared to have an open and honest conversation about what you’d like to try, why it matters to you, and where might be a good place to start.

Where can I connect with others with a latex fetish?

You can find other rubberists and latex fetishists all over the internet. There are thousands of kinksters sharing content on social media, whether that’s Instagram, X, or Fetlife. Fetlife has dozens of groups devoted to rubber, many with thousands of members. You can also see if there are local rubber clubs or organizations, as many larger cities have them.


I hope this introduction to rubber fetishism helped you understand it better and answer some of your questions. This wasn’t meant to be an in-depth guide, and honestly, there isn’t much research behind it from any sources. Understanding a latex fetish can be complicated and scary at first, but it gets easier.

You can check out some of my other articles and guides about latex and rubber to see my journey and get more tips.

Other guides

What is a latex fetish?

How to clean latex clothing

Latex and Rubber Fetish Glossary

Rubber/Latex Clothing Vendors List